Giving the best and unmatched results

Crystal Uptown

General Trading, Import & Export, Hotel & Transport Service

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+6 03 2856 7379

Crystal Uptown Sdn Bhd

A company Incorporated in Malaysia specialized on general trading, import & export and hostel service. Our trade division has been operating for many years as Importers and Exporters and also acts as a local representative / authorized agent for many overseas companies & suppliers. We have been well established in providing defense solutions, importing and exporting essential items for many years. With the passage of time, amny developing countires feel the need for better and / or better products. Although products are produced locally, the availability of high quality foreign brands will encourage local manufactures to produce products of competitive quality through a healthy competitive market.

how can i help you

Professional Services

On We are always focused on

Success Defined In a

different way

To achieve the highest possible standards in all that we do. Our
number one priority and commitment is therefore to offer, at all times, a world-class service to satisfy customers.

  • Industries
  • General Trading
  • General Import and Export
  • Hotel and Transport Service for foreign general worker

Crystal Uptown Sdn Bhd

Core Values